Industrial Tools

The tools of the computer age are typically just methods to represent information.  Programming languages and data structures are the hammers and wrenches we use today to create much of the world we inhabit.  These information age tools lack the tangible aesthetics of industrial age tools.  ​ 

The photos below were taken at ​Carbon Industrial Design in Alexandria, Virginia.  Carbon recycles parts of old factories, as art and as furniture.  I love the heft of the old tools, and the sense that they have done real work, building things of permanent substance, not things that can disappear with a key stroke.

A Brace of Wrenches​

A Brace of Wrenches​

Long Pipe Wrench​

Long Pipe Wrench​

Early Morning, Sebago Lake


The best time to water ski on Sebago Lake is early in the morning.  The water is usually smooth, making skiing easy.  The air is cool, so the water feels warmer by contrast.​  Most of all, the lake is beautiful early in the morning.  One of the treats of being up early, even before we go out on the water, is seeing the lake in the early morning light.  

During our time at Migis, we ski early every morning.  It is one of the few early morning activities for which Will and Eva are almost always ready to jump out of bed.  

First Day of School

These photos are actually from the second day of school.  On the very first day, Will had 'free dress' which means about what you would expect, and certainly not photo worthy.  Plus, no one was really mentally ready for school the day after Labor Day, including me.  ​


​Will is doing his best to look suave and debonair as a new freshman.  This is made somewhat more challenging by his failure to actually button the collars on his new button down shirt.  


Eva and Lyra are looking great, as usual.  ​


KC is just checking out the action and thinking about coming outside.  He knows he can just go back to sleep when everyone else goes to work and school.​