This photo was taken looking from our back door over our patio early Saturday evening after the big snow on February 6th had stopped. Our garden table which we use every day in the summer is almost buried. Eva took out a tape measure and said we had 26" of snow, but I think she was not measuring at the deepest spot. When the wind started to blow a couple of the large bushes in this photo lost branches under the weight of the snow, and as the snow on the roof melted and created icicles our gutter began tearing off and had to be removed before it collapsed on the power lines. It is now two weeks later, and about half the snow is melted, and we will finally be able to wheel the trash can down the alley to the street for trash pickup on Monday.
This photo was taken looking from our back door over our patio early Saturday evening after the big snow on February 6th had stopped. Our garden table which we use every day in the summer is almost buried. Eva took out a tape measure and said we had 26" of snow, but I think she was not measuring at the deepest spot. When the wind started to blow a couple of the large bushes in this photo lost branches under the weight of the snow, and as the snow on the roof melted and created icicles our gutter began tearing off and had to be removed before it collapsed on the power lines. It is now two weeks later, and about half the snow is melted, and we will finally be able to wheel the trash can down the alley to the street for trash pickup on Monday.