Delicious Exotic Fruit

This Christmas, I ordered boxes of exotic fruit (and some not so exotic) for my sisters and for my family from Robert is Here in Florida.  Everything in the boxes seemed to be very high quality. The mangoes were some of the best I have had, the avocados were huge and delicious, and the oranges were big and perfectly flavored.  The one papaya in the box had been bruised badly in shipping, but it was ripe on arrival and tasted perfect (unfortunately Cathleen hates papaya, but that just meant more for me).  

When I ordered, I asked for a variety of exotic fruits, and I was not disappointed.  Some of the fruit I have seen before and not tried, and others I had never seen before.  

Jamaican Tangelo

Jamaican Tangelo

The Jamaican Tangelo, branded Ugli Fruit, is a cross amongst an orange, a tangerine and a grapefruit.  It tastes most like an orange, but with some of the tartness of a grapefruit, but not the bitterness.  The sections are large, and very juicy.

I skinned the sections and they were excellent in a fruit salad with some mango.  Given there large size, they would make a very impressive presentation on a plate of mixed fruit.

Egg Fruit (Pouteria lucuma)

Egg Fruit (Pouteria lucuma)

The Egg Fruit is so named because the flesh bears an uncanny resemblance to hard boiled egg yolk (which I can't assume is a desirable texture for a fruit).  It is described on Wikipedia as tasting like maple and sweet potato, but that was not my experience,  I thought it just tasted like slightly sweet hard boiled egg yolk.  It is reportedly very nutritious, but I would need to find a way to mix it into another dish to make it appealing.  

Passion Fruit

Passion Fruit

I love passion fruit.  Similar to pomegranate, but more so, there is not much flesh to eat.  The passion fruit is mostly juice, seeds and a little pulp.  But the flavor is the height of 'sweet/tart' and screams essence of tropical fruit.  One of the best margaritas I have ever had was the passion fruit margarita at Taqueria in London.  After tasting my own ripe fresh passion fruit I am on a mission to find enough to make my own margaritas.  

Black Sapote

Black Sapote

The black sapote is a close relative of the persimmon, to which it is externally very similar but completely different in taste.  

Some people call the black sapote the 'chocolate pudding fruit' because the flesh is vaguely similar to chocolate pudding.  Given the absence of chocolate flavor, this comparison takes a bit of imagination, but the color, and to a lesser degree the texture could suggest chocolate pudding.  At least if mashed and photographed, the picture might look like chocolate pudding.  

I do think if pureed in a smoothie with bannana or pineapple, the black sapote would be very good.  I just found that by itself it was a little more challenging.

Despite my lack of enthusiasm for a few specific types of fruit, overall I was thrilled with the fruit from Robert is Here.  We polished off the orange, the pomelo, the papaya, and most of the avocado.  There is one mango left, which will be enjoyed at breakfast tomorrow.  My kids are already asking to order more.

Building our Aquaponic System - Part 2

Over the last month, I have put a lot of time into our aquaponic system.  In brief, I had to install all the PVC plumbing, get the water flowing properly, add the grow media, install heaters, and begin hanging the lighting.  The majority of the work has been associated with plumbing.  There are still a few small leaks, but it all functions properly.  There is still a lot of work to do, but having the water all flowing correctly makes me confident I will soon have a variety of plants growing, and a crop of tilapia.

Grow Beds Filled with Grow Media

Grow Beds Filled with Grow Media

I have tightened the grow bed stands, aligned the grow beds, filled them with grow media and started the water flowing.  The syphons all worked on the first try, and I have adjusted the flow so the beds fill-up in roughly the same amount of time.  I have the rigs partially built to hang the lights, and will finish installing them this weekend.  

Yesterday when I first filled the system the water temperature was 46.9F.  This morning it was 52.3F.  I have 3 400W heaters running, and hopefully by this weekend the water will be up to 70F and I can start the cycling process.  I think by that point the greenhouse will be a steam bath, but I am sure that will be good for the plants.  

Many thanks (again) to Sylvia and her team at The Aquaponic Source.  The binder of instructions for building the system has been very good.  There are a few topics that I would modify but overall I have been able to make everything work as described.  

Fish Tank

Fish Tank

This is a 180 gallon tank, which takes up more room than I think I expected.  Soon it will be home to about 40 tilapia.  First, the three heaters in the lower right need to do their job and get the water temperature up to about 70 degrees (fahrenheit).  When I added water to the tank, it was about 45 degrees, and it is now up to 53 degrees.  I suspect it is taking a lot of electricity to get the water temperature up to where it needs to be.  
Under Bed Plumbing - Looking South

Under Bed Plumbing - Looking South

The plumbing has been the most time consuming part of getting the system set up.  It started out easy, but as more and more pipe components were attached together, it became challenging to get everything to fit properly.  I made several modifications to the original instructions, including liberal use of zip ties.  It became a lot easier after I was clear in my mind how the water was intended to flow.  All the pipe connections that are supposed to be glued have been, but a few of the others need to be tightened further with a pipe wrench (that I don't have yet).

Under Bed Plumbing - Looking North

Under Bed Plumbing - Looking North

The next step in the process of establishing the aquaponic system is 'cycling' which means establishing the bacteria necessary to the nitrogen cycle.  I can start adding leafy plants like lettuce while cycling is in process, then when it is complete in a few weeks I will add tilapia.  The bigs tasks for the remainder of Christmas vacation will be starting cycling, installing the grow lights and starting some lettuce seedlings.  

Family Christmas 2012

It has been too long since any blog update, and I have a backlog of material.  I have lots more to post on the basement renovation, much progress to document with our aquaponic system, and of course Christmas.  We had great fun this morning with minimal family stress (that came later in the day). 

Cath with Her New Lazy Susan

Cath with Her New Lazy Susan

The kids are getting better at picking out presents on their own, especially when they have me and my wallet along with them.  Eva had seen this lazy susan at a farm market vendor, and decided it would be perfect for Cath.  Indeed, it is beautifully painted and looks great on our dining table.  

KC Getting a Good Back Scratching

KC Getting a Good Back Scratching

Our cats, and next year our future dog, enjoy Christmas with the other members of the family, though they don't seem to care very much about the treats in their stockings.  Here KC is getting a good back scratch, and below Noelle is enjoying hiding under the Christmas tree.

Noelle Under the Christmas Tree

Noelle Under the Christmas Tree

All of our children enjoyed themselves today AND were generally civilized with no meltdowns.  It has not always been thus.  Will had asked for a turntable(!) which I find very amusing.  The first time he saw my turntable he acted like it was technology from the dark ages.  Apparently old fashioned vinyl albums are now fashionable.  I am skeptical that he will sustain his interest when his iPhone is a much easier source of music, but be does recognize the superior sound quality of the turntable.  The Needle Doctor came through with a good combination of turntable and powered speakers, which I will adopt if Will loses interest.  Apparently he is not the only person who wanted a turntable, because more recently they have been sold out.

Will and Part of His New Audio System

Will and Part of His New Audio System

Eva had a clothing intensive Christmas.  All of the children ended up with new coats.  She also garnered a skirt, sweater and a very cute hat knit by Cathleen.  

Eva with her Hand Knit Cap

Eva with her Hand Knit Cap

I was thrilled with my presents.  I look forward to reading my Bill Wyman history of the Rolling Stones, Rolling with the Stones.  I am also happy to have new exercise clothes so I don't look like I shop at Salvation Army when I go to Pilates, and most of all reading my Time Life: LIFE Library of Photography.  Before the Internet and its infinite variety of blogs, Time Life published some of the definitive subject guides.  Their series on cooking is legendary, and their photography series is close behind.  Sadly both of these are out of print, but Cathleen tracked down the photo series for me.  

LIFE Library of Photography - 17 Volumes
LIFE Library of Photography - 17 Volumes

Lyra sometimes adopts the role of family clown (or demon possessed). While she is the youngest, she yields ground to no one when seeking attention.  Her big present from Santa this year was a real camera (a Nikon Coolpix, breaking my normal allegiance to Canon).  She demonstrated a very good eye using my camera in London last spring on vacation, and I am looking forward to see how she does behind her own camera.  When she chooses, she is certainly entertaining in front of the camera.  Her tongue is still showing the tell-tale blue from her lollypop stocking stuffer.

Lyra Hamming it Up

Lyra Hamming it Up

We are off for more family visiting tomorrow, and hopefully time for reading and additional blog updates.  Merry Christmas to all of our friends and please travel safe over the holidays.  

Basement Renovation - Before & After

This is the first installment of a very long overdue update on our now completed basement renovation.  This is the forth round of renovation of our Old Town home that we moved into in 1994.  When we moved in, we basically had a two story home with a second floor that was in rough shape, and a first floor that needed a lot of work.  We also had an unfinished attic and a wet cellar with a six foot ceiling.  After the latest renovation we have a four story home, with a beautiful finished attic, finished basement, and two extensively upgraded main living floors.  

Each renovation has had its own challenges and high points, but to me the basement renovation resulted in the most dramatic 'before and after'.  We started with a damp and smelly cellar that everyone in the family avoided, and we now have a family room that is one of the most popular rooms in the house, for people and cats alike.  

Cellar Door Showing Old Floor Level

Cellar Door Showing Old Floor Level

The first stage of the cellar renovation was digging down about four feet to create what would become an 8+ foot ceiling.  The bottom of the door visible to the left of Lyra's head is at the original floor level.  She is standing on what is to become the new floor, about 4 feet below the old floor level.  

The sewage pipes in this photo were buried under the old slab and have been  left suspended in air as the dirt around them was removed.  Eventually they were rerouted, generally around the perimeter walls in a time consuming process that seemed to take forever.

Old Cellar Door, Converted to Window

Old Cellar Door, Converted to Window

While these two photos are not taken from exactly the same perspective, the window in our new laundry room was created from the old cellar door in the prior photo.  We now have about four feet of additional depth below the old floor level.  

We also have, fates willing, a much dryer basement.  The new basement is essentially encapsulated, so that water that comes through the foundation hits a plastic barrier, runs down under the new floor, and is then pumped out.  So far it has worked.  

The following photos show the before and after in what has become our new family room.  We also have a new laundry room and a couple of new closets, but the family room is the primary new living space.

Original Basement, Looking Northeast

Original Basement, Looking Northeast

New Basement Family Room, Looking Northeast

New Basement Family Room, Looking Northeast

In the photos above, the two windows have not changed at all.  They are the same windows in the same locations in each photo.  In the bottom photo the ceiling is over 8' high, versus 6' in the original view, and obviously the furnace has moved.  Lots and lots of effort went into rerouting electric, plumbing, gas and HVAC to make this possible.  We also now have heat and AC in the basement, both previously lacking.  

Old Basement, Looking West

Old Basement, Looking West

New Basement Family Room, Looking Northwest

New Basement Family Room, Looking Northwest

In the photos above, the window in the upper right corner is also a common reference.  The same window is in same location in each photo.  I think the original floor level is roughly at the height of the dark cabinet top in the 'after' photo.  

The renovation created great space that we are enjoying, although of course it provides an even more comfortable and convenient opportunity for the kids to watch too much TV. 

This project took close to nine months, versus an original plan closer to six.  Future blog updates will provide photos of the major project phases, especially digging out the floor to create the higher ceiling.