Alexandria Children's Chorus - Ten Years in Harmony

 We attended a very special concert today.  Will sings in the Alexandria Choral Society's Children's Chorus.  Today the Children's Chorus presented their 10th Anniversary Concert, "Ten Years in Harmony".  This year, the Chorus introduced a new program, a composition contest for young composers.  For the contest, Eva submitted a short song she made up for our family to sing as a grace before meals.  Eva's song won the composition contest, so she was honored at the concert, and the Chorus performed her song.  
I enjoyed the selection of songs performed, and I thought the Chorus Director, Mr. Carr, did a wonderful job conducting (I really enjoy watching conductors).  This video was a quick edit job, trying to condense an hour+ concert.  I reduced it to about six minutes, but that is still long by internet standard.  This is an HD video, so if you play it full size (or full screen) it should look good.  I have taken still photos of many of Will's concerts over the last three years, and this is a situation where video is MUCH BETTER.    

You will see (and unfortunately hear) electric fans in almost every video clip. It was 90 degrees in Alexandria yesterday, and the air conditioning in the church where the concert was held had not yet been turned on for the season. It was very hot and sticky.

The video is also posted at Vimeo here which in my experience provides higher quality HD video streaming than FaceBook.
